Antisemitism thrives on jews keeping their heads down and hoping that it will blow over

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Better to be judged than carried, to paraphrase an American saying.

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You’d think Jews would understand - many Americans cannot tolerate watching children starve to death. Yesterday, some Substacker said - no children in Gaza are starving while I had just seen photos. Yep, they’re starving. Israel is forcing Americans to make a choice between Israel or starving Gaza children. And, Israel is quickly losing support. Hamas? A terrorist organization - it’s so vile even mainstream Muslims reject jihadists. But, Israel may soon find itself rejected by mainstream Americans, too. Feed the children!

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“People Love Dead Jews” Dara Horn

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And it’s time to fight back

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israel is like a weak man that beats his wife

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Vilified > slaughtered. Please fight your enemies.

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