In 1947, the U.N. did not confirm Israel’s right to be sovereign in a part of the historical homeland of the Jewish people. It was suggesting that the Jews engage in a “land for peace” deal with the Arabs of Palestine. The compromise over Jewish lands failed then and has failed ever since.

It bears repetition the chronology:

1. The Ottoman Empire lost WWI, as a consequence it lost all its imperial holdings in the Middle East, a loss later confirmed by treaty - so part of international law.

2. About 1% of that lost territory was repurposed to establish a sovereign state for the Jewish people. The League of Nations created a system of Mandates to fulfill this vision as well as returning the other 99% to the rule of the prior imperial ruler, the Arabs. These Mandates all created applicable international law.

3. The Mandate for Palestine was supported by additional treaties, confirming its status in international law.

4. Upon the League’s demise and the creation of the U.N., the rights afforded the Jewish people under the Mandate were recognized in Article 80 of the U.N. Charter as not subject to change or diminishment.

5. When the Arabs rejected the 1947 compromise, the entirety of the Mandate lands legally became sovereign Israeli land upon the Mandate’s termination and Israel’s declaration of independence (something the Arabs of Palestine never declared for themselves).

6. The illegal Arab seizure and 19 year belligerent occupation of parts of the former Mandate lands did not alter international law’s application.

7. In a continuing search for a political settlement, Israel has formally annexed only “East” Jerusalem to reunite its capital city.

The lesson to be taken is that Israel’s creation was fully consistent with the applicable international law of the time. You lost a war, you lost land that the victors could dispose of as they saw fit.

Perhaps the only thing that was unusual in this particular territorial dispensation is that, for once, the Jews received some measure of justice, however belated. Maybe that’s what rankles so many today.

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Given the “genocide” and starvation that have been going on for 7 months+, there must be only 40-50 Palestinians still alive right?

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Thanks for this information Cliff and have a safe and fruitful journey to Israel.

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