Cliff, this piece needs and deserves to be published in the US mainstream press.

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Thank you Richard:

I only wish I could accomplish what you ask re: mainstream media, but it is a long slog to get there. However, JNS is now publishing opinion pieces I submit (that other newspapers reprint), although they require me to cut them to 1,000 words or less. Therefore, I am left to depend on people like you to forward my newsletters to others (subscriptions have grown significantly), my public speaking, and the books I previously wrote (and am now working on). But it is also nice comments like yours that motivates me to continue and I sincerely thank you for it.

The information war for all of us to fight on behalf of Israel's survival requires all of us to do a small part that collectively becomes significant. Sometimes that is writing, sometimes speaking, sometimes donating, or visiting Israel or so many other things.


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